The balance sheet is one of the most important and major financial statements to determine the financial health of a business setting or company. It is an accounting tool used by accountants to summarize assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity for a definite period of time usually mentioned in its heading. In this article, we have more than 10 practical balance sheet templates in excel format for you.
The purpose of making a balance sheet is to have an accurate idea about what a company owns, the amount of money that needs to be paid by the company for fulfillment of obligations or liabilities as well as the amount invested by investors, etc. A balance sheet template could be a helping hand to make an error-free balance sheet for a company or business.
Determining the liquidity of a business could be one of the major reasons to create a balance sheet. Liquidity of business shows a business’s strength to pay back its liabilities or loans etc in a timely manner. It attracts investors to invest more money in the business or company to get more return on investment.
A balance sheet is generally prepared at the end of the accounting year that can vary in different business settings and organizations. We are providing you an opportunity to download free balance sheet templates here to save your time.
A balance sheet sounds like a snapshot of a business’s financial position after a particular period of time. Some businesses prepare balance sheets after six months but most of them make it after one complete financial year. Your company may provide you with a standard format to generate a balance sheet.
You can also use an editable balance sheet template prepared by experts to create a balance sheet with accurate figures. Scroll down the page and find balance sheet templates prepared in MS Excel. These templates for balance sheets are totally free to download without any extra requirements.
Checkout the Balance Sheet Templates Below
Non Profit Balance Sheet Template

Yearly Balance Sheet Template EXCEL

Company’s Official Balance Sheet Layout in DOC Format

Trucking Company’s Balance Sheet Template

Balance Sheet Report Sample in MS WORD

Small Business Balance Sheet Template Printable

Standard Company’s Balance Sheet Excel Template

Projected Balance Sheet Sample

Comparative Balance Sheet Template

Bank Balance Sheet Format Excel

Basic Balance Sheet Template in XLSX Format

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